Sunday, December 9, 2012


Ellen DeGeneres, not because of how she was raised as a kid, just gets a lot of attention for not thinking.  I got a nasty message.  I don't remember.  Hm, what's so funny about that?  Like, I feel really insulted.  Anyway, isn't Tim Burton like that, too, and Chloe Moretz?  Ditzes from the South?  I met some stuck up people up north who don't really have all the answers, neither.  What does that mean?  I would have talked about this sooner or later.  They just don't want to talk about the point but they keep getting attention for your ideas.  I know people live in private and are supposedly an accumulation of intelligence.  That's hard to believe.  I'm actually worried because it's hard to talk about, I was just really really hurt often, and it's supposedly secret messages from them in an experiment.

I got another idea but forgot.  So, Ellen DeGeneres's mom's last name is Austrian-Jewish.  Maybe, that's her excuse for being so attractive, even though she's white, like you know how like black people etc. want to look overly attractive but have no brains.  Looks like everyone slipped.  They all wish they were me.  =0

Maybe, I'm spoiled, but you forgot everyone downscaled celebrities.  I guess now I'm worried about my reputation with the world.  I also thought that if like a most famous star ever read me up online and noticed me that it'd be muy importante.  I've had some interactions: Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Alexa Vega, Nancy Sinatra several times Tweeted to me serious Tweets.  Tim Burton's people contacted me to take down my group, and I was honored, on Facebook.

It was hard to think at home, but I had other outside influences that disturbed my thinking.  I was thankful that I didn't end up sorta insecting my way up online slowly.

I'm getting the feeling people are talking to me a lot now in insulting ways and that later I will have problems.  Wait, I'm getting more bickering.  Doesn't matter, right, could happen to you, could get hurt.

So what would you say instead of just "not thinking?"  It's just a sentence.  I didn't make a point that someone really doesn't think, at all.  Oi vey.  Wait, why do I hear an echo?  Is there something wrong with having a dad born in 1950?  Why do you want juice from him?  I thought you said it was worthless.  Whatever your excuse is isn't nice and isn't right.  I guess that's all anyone wants to do with me who's like acclaimed.

Also, I got really mad at people who think being positive is outdated.