Sunday, December 2, 2012

Physical Features Growing Up

My features growing up were pretty even.  I was not really scrawny but considered "small" because I was short..  I don't know if I was ever big as a baby, but I looked fat.  So, when I did gymnastics, I found that my shoulders seemed kinda wide.  Well, I also had done different things leading up to that point like baton I started maybe around then.  I was getting funny feelings, too.  So, maybe that's not good.  At some point|s, my chest got wide.  Well, my waist was always wide.  A boy made me stick out my stomach, when I was 8, and it stayed.  I had to use the bathroom more after quitting gymnastics.  I didn't.  However, I don't think my chest is really robust compared to most girls.  My shoulders and torso may be big compared to most people.  My legs may look short because I'm fat.  I always had a small measurement of bust.  The area under it was actually bigger.

Pretty much, I don't like how I looked most of the time when I was 5, 6, 7, & 8.

I was a little perverted when I was 6 and kinda braindead at 5.  We moved to Northeastern Florida, a major city.  I lost my round face look at 6.  We moved again and I kinda got it back.  I lost it again when we moved.  Then, I got it back and lost it again and so on and so forth.

I also don't get why my dad thinks that people in the past are worth more than the future, in a certain way, like opportunity in the afterlife.

I was looking at how Ellen DeGeneres's size changed through the years.  I've seen so many different representations of her I can't really believe it.  It looks like they got a lot of good shots.

Would you call her when she's older, like a lot of other girls I knew, a tomboy?  I never truly fit the definition but tried.  Sometimes, I'd be easily stimulated, though.  Actually, I was sorta over and above.  It's just I didn't look very European then.  That's when I was 8 and in a way 7 and in some ways 6.  I wanted to look like the girls with white hair and bangs.  I've seen really pretty girls with fluffy light blonde hair in media, like Ramsy and the girl in Cry Baby with Johnny Depp.  However, that girl looked the opposite when she got older.  She still appeared very stimulated, in a way.  I feel that girls who are born around 1985 and 1970 are stimulated because people born in wait I mean 1980 and 1975 because people born around 1960 are like not mature to be the parents of kids that age.  I'm not really sure the nature of that.  I grew up thinking that they were adults to me but that in general at that age they were not old enough to have kids but looked like adults today who are 50 or 45.  I don't even know if I look like a teenager yet and assume neither does anyone who knew me.  For me, *beep* was a big topic.

I just got a really disturbing idea.  8'  Ellen DeGeneres relates highly to Jewish heritage.  ^99^  ^66^  I know I was just thinking I like being old, traditional European.  I just look kinda stimulated up in a modern way but have all the traits of an old European.