I elected to take World Geography my 1st year of high school. I elected to not take World History my 2nd year. I didn't make gifted my 1st year but did at the only other public school I attended, kindergarten. I got in Gifted with a bunch of other kids a year older in my class, even from the same junior high. My 2nd year. I was told upon entering American History APG to leave if it was not to I guess rush to prepare to test for college credit. The class last year was big. I had the same teacher my 1st year, and it was very easy. In my class was a Gifted girl from the public school. The boy was from my school and related to the English teacher. I didn't leave the class when called to the counselor and left 2 other classes. I went to a Baptist school and had a teacher who was 3 feet wide and pretty. I did the 1st semester during the summer. I went to the Catholic high school and took World History and it was easy but a waste of class. I could not succeed in Music History up north, with a pre class the semester before. I could do hardly anything in non-honors courses down south. Online, in Florida, it was easy except for Mathematics. Also, math and Chemistry II were too hard at the Catholic school, though I was 3rd in the state for geometry.
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