Thursday, December 13, 2012


I feel kinda full of like fast food, like hot dogs.  I woke up to some "loser" noise..  Just go away, stupid, I don't care about you nigger, oops, I almost said babout..

I woke up thinking of people being dragged for some reason.

Another stupid thing, I felt my dad trying to pore in on me in some sense.  He's just worthless.  (Problem, this also associates with something.)  He's sitting there calculating my needs before I feel them and then making fun of me for it.

I got a lot of stuff at the store because I needed it.  I waited until this month, spent too much money.  Not really sure why.  Should have gone to Wa-Mart 1st?  Didn't feel like it, didn't know it mattered.  Got stuff @ CVS.  :|  I put back a bunch of things and need more I didn't even bother getting, other things.

I got really mad, too, Ellen DeGeneres influenced me not to be with my dad in a bad way yet got me "closer" to him.  *BEEP*  STOP MAKING ME CURSE TO LISTEN.  I'm so mad, I don't know what to post nor do.  Hey, be quiet.  Hey, what does that mean.  Go away.  Stop.

Hey, be quiet.  I'm calling the police if you have my dad talk to me.  Be quiet.  What's your problem, loser, leave me alone.  I was trying to sleep.  I kept hearing faint noises like talking.  I feel like I didn't have the right food for just too long and can't relax.  I was gonna go back to sleep.  Whoops!  Look, leave me alone.  You're not smart.  Stop making me mad.

OOH I HOPE YOU ALL SLEEP WELL.  What if we just stuffed you with shit?

These people are beyond words mean and I'm feeling threatened for my respect by cursing in this situation.  Something else happened.  I'm tired of messages with my dad.  He's just a pervert.  Hey, you're making fun of me for not cursing.  You're worthless.